Deployment: A Family Affair

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Deployment:  A Family Affair
Written by Pamela Haynes, LCSW and Debbie King Mabray, MS, LMFT, LPC, CART
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Ms. Haynes is currently in private practice.  As a therapist she worked mainly in the field of mental health for both the Army and Navy.  For 26 years, Ms. Haynes was an Army spouse.  Since her father was also an Army officer, she has experienced deployment as a spouse and from the child's perspective.  Ms. Haynes currently works with the military population and addresses the many needs including stress, anxiety, separation, post traumatic stress disorder, trauma, etc.
"Deployment:  A Family Affair  is a workbook designed to help family members cope with the deployment of a spouse in both combat and non-combat situations.  It opens doors of exploration to couples and parents to consider the practical as well as emotional issues that surround seperations from military deployments.  This book helps the reader to identify the normal and abnormal reactions one can have to this type of seperation.  It gives practical suggestions to help minimize the potentially devastating effects for both the deploying and nondeploying family member..."
This book is constructed in an easy to understand, easy to read format and utillizes journal entries.  It is a wonderful keepsake for the family and military member to review upon his/her return.  The format of this book encourages reflections and thought and provides space for them to be recorded.  The book offers fantastic ideas for handling individual, family and child stress and anxiety that accompanies deployment.  The event of deployment is truely a family affair...each member is affected.  This book is a valuable tool to help make this event less painful.

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